Where will you be in the next four seasons?

Thinking about doing this? Please fill in this application and we will meet virtually to see if this is a good fit for your dreams and goals for yourself: APPLY HERE.

Working with a guide to refine your lifestyle offers an opportunity for transformation that you’ve never before experienced. Is this your time to allocate energy and resources to improve your health and wellness? It may be if you:

  • Try different diets and usually gain the weight back.
  • Yo-yo on the same diet to fit into clothes for seasonal occasions.
  • Tend to gain 10+ pounds during the Fall & Winter Seasons. Sometimes you lose the weight and sometimes you don’t.
  • Struggle with feelings of love for your body. You may even have negative feelings about your body and appearance.
  • Don’t like how you feel and look.
  • Have auto-immune diseases or chronic inflammation.
  • Have any health issues.
  • Don’t enjoy cooking your own meals.
  • Not sure what to prepare for dinner every night.
  • Can’t establish a daily exercise routine.
  • Feel uninspired by working out in a gym or going to fitness classes.
  • Want to take time for yourself but just never seem to be able to do so.

If any of this resonates with you, then you may be a great candidate for this pilot program beginning September.

Meet your guide.

Hello, I am Angela.

Why Beautify in Four Seasons?

Since I was young, I have always loved health and beauty practices. I watched and learned the rituals of the USA-born Southern women in my life, my sisters, mom, aunts, and grandmothers. No matter the age, the ritual of growing old was one to be embraced and celebrated. I still love the way many Southern women embrace aging and attune their wardrobe and hair to present an age-appropriate look. This often isn’t the case in other parts of the USA or abroad.

The Years of Self Study

In my 20s I studied Human Learning & Behavior and took off traveling. I became enchanted by Southeast Asian cultures steeped in rituals. Travel became not only a passion but a way for me to learn about myself. I included deep self-inquiry during this time, exploring yoga and meditation in the gardens of Bali, Vietnam, and Thailand.

I also traveled to Europe and the South Sea areas of New Zealand and Australia. During this time and was enamored with the universal expression of women’s beauty as the internet took off. Deeper connectivity and sharing of culture began to muddle the influence of identifying appearance as being American, French, British, Italian, German, Australian, Kiwi and so on.

As I traveled, I noticed in these other cultures, women and those who identify as women tend to embrace body-types and clothing appropriate for their ages. What was different than the Southern area where I grew up is that these women were also willing to celebrate their bodies with sexual and figure-hugging looks that were similar to the styles that their nieces and daughters were wearing.

Growing up in an area where on most occasions, we dressed to look like the church ladies we admired, I discovered the energy of femininity in a new way. This was a huge revelation for me to become more aware of the global feminine experience.

In my travels to Java, I found modest dress to be beautiful and admired the femininity within scarves and head coverings. In Bali, the requirement to cover the shoulders upon entry to temples was a welcome ritual over wearing tank tops for comfort in the heat.

I am by no means an expert here. But I seek to share my personal experience and awareness from a somewhat sheltered upbringing in the East Tennessee in the 1970s & 80s.

Fertility Journey

When I turned 30, I began to turn inward in my self-care journey. I moved toward a daily yoga practice and immersed myself in the yoga sutras and a casual study of Ayurveda. Yoga helped me preserve my body while I became and worked as a professional chef. During my tenure of working in the back of the house in fine dining, I learned the obstacles of nourishment. Changing these fat and salt-laden foods as a private chef in home kitchens, I enjoyed sharing the fine dining flavors with healthy preparation.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

– Hippocrates

While venturing to start a family, I experienced a time of infertility and immersed myself in that community. Meeting wonderful women in my support group and learning the ins and outs of FSH levels and the range of fertility drugs and procedures, it became clear to me that much of this science was experimental on the individual. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t.

During this time, I became deeply affected by the lingering idea of infertility and why I was experiencing this. The perfunctory procedures and mathematical percentages that my doctor shared with me felt not only unnatural, but was also painful. I promised myself that on the other side of all of this, I would do something to help women better understand the nature of women’s health.

After getting pregnant with my first-born, I took time to enjoy what my partner and I worked so hard to become: parents. I took a break from chef-ing and after returning to work for a year and a half, I became pregnant naturally—a wonderful surprise!

The early days of being a mother of two children.

After studying Ayurveda, I came understand that the hormonal shifts of the first pregnancy made me an entirely new woman. Also, our bodies regenerate at different rates on a cellular, tissue, and total body level. However, in the four year span between children, with good nourishment, joy, delight, stability, routine, and general family-centered life, I was becoming fertile!

Mid-life Focus

In my 40s while supporting my children in their school communities, I also began a formal study of Ayurveda and Yoga and became a private chef to individuals interested in finding balance. I completed my yoga and Ayurveda certifications and became an Ayurveda Lifestyle Counselor.

Now in my 50s, I am sharing this knowledge of aging and support others also on the lifelong journey to retain our vitality and appearance as we grow old. I have found in my community leadership work and in working with clients that it takes four seasons to establish balance and new habits.

Read more about who I am and why I created this program HERE.


This includes a series of individual and group coaching calls to ensure you reach your goals with support.

Dynamic Connection

Throughout the four seasons, we will work together through the highs and lows of your life. You will be able to work in real-time with dedicated commitment to establish a strong mindset to allow you to sustain the changes you are making to transform.

Unconditional Support

As you begin to change, the body tries to reorient to the former ways of being. It is natural for our body to do this. You may encounter mood changes—we will work on awareness to transform the former ways of being into a fresh new vitality.

Lifetime Connection

When our 9 months together have passed, we will have experienced four seasons together of yoga classes, vitality workshops, culinary lessons, and face yoga workshops to embrace the new you. The bonding and lifetime relationships made in this experience will build a new source of support. I will be here to support you over the next phases with supportive content and opportunities to connect.

There are so many other facets to this program, including time-tested science to ignite your nourishment:

  • Ayurvedic recipes
  • Cooking demonstrations
  • Nutritional benchmarks and milestone checks
  • Emotional nourishment support of passions, relationship, and family mapping
  • Connectivity to special guests in the fitness, spiritual and Ayurveda healing world.

Does this sound like something you may be intrigued with?

Click the button above and schedule a call with me. My dream is to serve women to help them heal themselves and those around them.


The continued support of my clients has uplifted my work and help me to see how important this work is. I am grateful for the commitment of my clients who return to learn more. Seeing the personal development in their skin’s glow, energy essence, and toned bodies, I have pride in knowing that I am working with intentionality to support women’s health and fulfilling the promise that I made to myself years ago when I learned first hand just how broken the USA medical system is for all of us.

The best way to good health is to preserve your good health. This investment is the very best one that you can make for yourself: to have good lifestyle habits.

Beautify Your Biome

Beautify in Four Seasons plants the seeds of self-love. The body, like a tree, grows and becomes a biome of diversity. To have a diverse biome in our bodies, we find that vitality can develop easily. This requires additions of:

  • Movement every day
  • Diet rich in a range of vegetables
  • Recipes and foods to brighten your skin
  • Developing a diurnal routine
  • Sustaining rituals of self-care habits (dinacharya, दिनचर्या)
  • Learning the Ayurvedic approach to nourishing your unique body
  • Feeling your body’s sensory experience
  • Cultivating intuition awareness
  • Connecting deeply with your personal environment and cleansing your spaces
  • Building community in your life spaces
  • Creating supportive boundaries for emotional strength
  • Seasonal rituals to ground your spirit
  • Amend stifled meaningful relationships
  • Self-Inquiry
  • Mindfulness through meditation
  • Radiate beauty from the inside out.
  • Step into leadership to understand your unique body’s language
  • …and so much more!
Enjoy seasonal rituals to embrace nature and enhance your microbiome for your body’s long term health.

Learn more and apply for the program here:

Why Four Seasons?

Over the years, I have been in leadership roles and have seen that it takes about four seasons to make habit changes. It takes about four seasons to see the results from any initiative. It takes about four seasons to realize outcomes of action put into long-term projects.

I have been deeply impacted by the lessons and books by Dr. Dean Ornish. His work marrying holistic health with his Western Medicine practice has helped me bring the most stubborn client into the fold. With his astute background and wide expansive development of Lifestyle Medicine practices, we find that this works takes about four seasons to fully embody the habit changes we need to cultivate in order to undo damage to our body.

Invest the time in your long term health.

His studies reveal that it takes about one year to live within the invisible framework of dinacharya practices that supports us like the foundation of a house. Like bedrock, we can rely on the stability of our habits because over about a year’s time, we find that we love the feelings of vitality and want to preserve what we have built. In about a year, you become a defender of your personal health and well-being.

Over the course of four seasons, the matter of your being changes. You develop grey matter in the brain with new habits of meditation. Your hormones attune to nature and you embody vitality. Your personal biome become strong and the home to a diverse group of flora. Cultivating the habits to keep this in place is the best investment in your longevity that you could make for yourself.

It is never a bad thing to learn how to restore and preserve your health. The hope is to live a life that allows us to be independent as long as we are alive. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

You can do this. But first, you have to establish the lifestyle habits to realize this kind of experience.

Beautify and Experience Total Body Vitality

Click below to watch the FREE Total Body Vitality class to learn more about attuning to self-care and nature with these 5 Beautify secrets that help you embody TOTAL BODY VITALITY.


“As a person takes in the environment, it may change his/ her mental composition, as we know emotions can change neurotransmitters, which alter hormone levels and the immune system.”

– Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya, Everyday Ayurveda: Daily Habits That Can Change Your Life in A Day
Dr. Bhaswati is a US-trained medical doctor and Ayurvedic medical doctor, Eductor, and published author. I have studied with her for many years.

“Health is physical, mental and spiritual well being. Ayushoveda, or Ayurveda as it is more commonly known, is a path towards such as healthy life. The life where all bodily functions are in harmony along with contended senses, mind and soul.”

– Dr. Nambi Namboodiri, Ayushoveda.com
Dr. Nambi is an Ayurvedic Medical Doctor and founder of Ayushoveda. He has been a mentor to me for years.

“Think about it: Heart disease and diabetes, which account for more deaths in the U.S. and worldwide than everything else combined, are completely preventable by making comprehensive lifestyle changes. Without drugs or surgery.”

— Dr. Dean Ornish, Author of Undo It & many other books
Dean Ornish, M.D., is the founder and president of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute, clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

I am so excited to get you going on your self-improvement journey with sharing the wisdoms I have gleaned from Ayurveda, Face & Body Yoga, Meditation, and Fine Dining. As I mentioned, I grew up in Tennessee and share some of my practical Southern traditions that ground my work in the ethereal nature and down to planet earth.

This isn’t for everyone… but it may be for YOU. Let’s find out!

With love,