How to practice alignment exercises and make a promise to a vision of vitality.

What is your vision of vitality? Do you have one? Most people do not have a vision of vitality. Myself included. I used to gauge the bare minimum to look and feel at a “standard” I used to keep for myself. When I was younger, I had a naturally lean disposition. I couldn’t eat very…

Embrace Ayurveda: The Key to an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

One of the reasons I decided to embrace Ayurveda when in my last year of college when I was enchanted by Deepak Chopra’s book, “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”. When I read the book, I took in its entirety. The handbook for all of the things I loved stirred a fire in me which at the…

Amplify Professional Confidence and Presence with A Powerful Tool: Face Yoga

· Cultivating Confidence With Intention In The Workplace ·

Confidence empowers to being a connector.

In the dynamic world of sales, fundraising, and networking, confidence and a commanding presence are invaluable assets. Within business, if you are not technically in sales, you are part of a company that is seeking expansion.