Beautify from the Inside Out: Face Yoga and the Magic of Omega Complex Support for Radiant Skin

Hello gorgeous! Something that I have noticed from working with women over 40 is that as we age, achieving and maintaining radiant, youthful skin requires more than just topical solutions. For women over 40, especially those experiencing the effects of sun damage like crepey skin, a holistic approach that combines inner nourishment and targeted facial…

Embrace Ayurveda: The Key to an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle

One of the reasons I decided to embrace Ayurveda when in my last year of college when I was enchanted by Deepak Chopra’s book, “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”. When I read the book, I took in its entirety. The handbook for all of the things I loved stirred a fire in me which at the…

How to Establish a Well Pantry

Wow. This has not been simple for me. I had a vision of sharing this process and connecting deeply, but I had a nasty cold (not Covid, thankfully). It took me down for a couple of weeks. Now I am caught up. But I keep doing other things than dealing with my pantry. Why is…

How To Make A Delicious Blueberry Mask To Improve Inflammation To Look & Feel Amazing This Summer

Cool the skin of the face to tighten pores and gently exfoliate with the cooling fruit acids inside blueberries. Inside out we can beautify with the healing support of this magical fruit!