Beautify from the Inside Out: Face Yoga and the Magic of Omega Complex Support for Radiant Skin

Hello gorgeous! Something that I have noticed from working with women over 40 is that as we age, achieving and maintaining radiant, youthful skin requires more than just topical solutions. For women over 40, especially those experiencing the effects of sun damage like crepey skin, a holistic approach that combines inner nourishment and targeted facial…

How to practice alignment exercises and make a promise to a vision of vitality.

What is your vision of vitality? Do you have one? Most people do not have a vision of vitality. Myself included. I used to gauge the bare minimum to look and feel at a “standard” I used to keep for myself. When I was younger, I had a naturally lean disposition. I couldn’t eat very…

Get Your Wellness Dialed In With This Daily Checklist

· Create balance in your life with a wellness lifestyle practice. ·

Hi, love! I have found checklists to be so helpful for myself and the busy women who I serve. How about you? If you like checklists, then I want to invite you to sign up to receive this list that you can save onto your phone. Create a daily reminder for yourself around these practices…

Listen to Podcast Episode #91 with Ayurveda Expert, Dr. Chitra Eder

In this episode, discover the inspiration of one of the great Ayurveda experts for modern women. Dr. Chitra Edra shares guidance and tangible actions that elevate women’s experience in menopause naturally.

How to Nurture Your Face With Late Summer Skin Care

Hurricanes are currently happening around the world and affecting my home base in San Francisco, too. Humidity brought spores into my home to steadfastly remind us that Autumn is still on its way!

How to Extend and Bend Time

I decided to write this blog post because it happens time and time again for me. In actuality, I have been able to tap into flow many times in my life. I feel kind of lucky this way and feel that after teaching yoga for the past few years, I am qualified to explain time…

Holistic Ways to Take Care of the Hands

Hands communicate. We express ourselves visually with our hands. Sometimes the hands become a translator of sorts as we express ourselves with made up sign language to help us as we travel and connect to those whose language we may be ignorant about. When we use our hands so much, the winter can sometimes reveal…

How To Establish a Mindfulness Practice During the Holidays

The holidays can be a great time to pause. During a time of war and revolution in the world, we may find solace in turning inward. Creating space this holiday season to nurture YOU can be one of the best gifts that you give to everyone on your list. As I write this, I am…

Build Unshakable Connection to Your Confidence.

Over the past few years, I have developed a ritual around the holidays that has become one that I just cherish. I come back to it again and again. This year is no different. Because of this ritual of turning inward to prepare for the holidays, I have found a new season of Angela. I…