
I am so delighted to share these recipes that I prepared for a client who was hoping to rejuvenate her activity in the kitchen. She opted to just cook together and we had a great time! Her kitchen is open and spacious and was a joy to be in for a few hours getting her excited about ingredients.

Please find the recipes of the items that we prepared together and a vitality list about why you want to include these into your diet during the fall season!

Butternut Squash Cakes


1/2 whole butternut squash, slow roasted with seeds at 225 degrees for 2 hours

1 egg white

chopped herbal seasonings: thyme, rosemary, tarragon

sea salt & pepper to taste

1/8 cup freshly made bread crumbs from toasted baguette, then grated

olive oil for sautéing


Scoop out half of a butternut squash, for this recipe, this was about 1.5 cups

Add the rest of the ingredients

Scoop out ingredients into small 1 – 2″ circles and gently shape into a little cake

Sauté in a small amount of olive oil over medium heat.

Enjoy with a gentle sauce like this one:

Yogurt Tahini Sauce

The photo above reflects the different kinds of yogurt types and variances in desired flavor by adding more or less yogurt or tahini.


1/2 cup favorite yogurt

1/2 cup tahini

Season with salt, pepper, and herbs


Stir together until completely blended. Enjoy!

Roasted Beets


1 bunch of beets

olive oil

sea salt and pepper

garlic, chopped

lemon leaves



Into a roasting pan, add peeled and beets cut into halves. Take the time to gently create slivers in the tops of the beets. As they roast, they will gently open and look attractive.

Gently season add garlic, and drizzle with olive oil. Add enough water to steam the beets, but not immerse them in the water as they cook.

Place the lemon leaves between the slivered cuts and roast for about one hour.

The beet flesh will be easy to stick a fork into.

Serve with the yogurt tahini sauce.

For both of the above vegetarian dishes, these can be served as a main course with fresh lettuce leaves as a base, create a simple recipe like the one following and top with pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, or anything that feels right to you.

Simple Sesame Vinaigrette

3 Tbs raw sesame oil

3 Tbs extra virgin olive oil

Fresh lemon juice, to taste

1/4 tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped

1/8 tsp fresh shallot, finely chopped

1/4 tsp fresh herbs


Blend it all together and reserve to marry ingredients. It is best to make this in a small batch and eat the same day you make it. Holding it for a day or so is fine, but the herbs will denature within a few days.

Roasted Celery Steaks


Celery root, peeled and sliced across the middle into 1/2-inch steaks

olive oil

seasonings: salt, pepper, herbs


Rub the celery root with olive oil and seasonings.

Roast in the oven at 350-degrees for about 20-30 minutes. The final product should be a roasted vegetable with browned edges. Serve with your favorite sauce or in place of a burger or on a sandwich.

Chia Pudding


1/8 cup chia seeds

1/4 cup favorite yogurt

1/8 cup favorite milk

honey drizzle

favorite fruit


Mix chia seeds, yogurt, and milk together. The mixture will be somewhat fluid, but the chia seeds will expand overnight.

When serving, top with honey and fresh fruit. You can do this ahead of time, but the fruit may denature in the milk and honey. Save fruit for the end.

Overnight Oats


1/2 cup organic oats

1/2 cup favorite milk


Combine in a storage container the night before you wish to eat it. The next morning, the oats are ready to eat! You may certainly heat this up for your desired temperature. Top with your favorite toppings.

Photos on this page were appropriated from a range of websites promoting healthy vital foods!