
I decided to write this blog post because it happens time and time again for me. In actuality, I have been able to tap into flow many times in my life. I feel kind of lucky this way and feel that after teaching yoga for the past few years, I am qualified to explain time extension. .

I am lucky to have learned this skill early in life. It comes from being resilient and strong in your spirit. Perhaps you have overcome traumas. Sometimes this amplifies the ability to extend time.

Those who are musicians can extend and bend time with their bandmates. Dancing to music can foster deeper connection with time for all involved, the entertainer and the dancer. Being at one with a common energy fosters flow, as the energy is exponential from the participants and creativity flowing with collaboration with the musician.

I can extend time and bend it to create exponential productivity in all that I do. For many years, I have been able to learn, do, make, fundraise, have multiple streams of income and now apply this to current work as a wellness coach.

I became deeply aware of this magical part of my nature when I was working in professional kitchens. As a rising chef in the early 2000s, I was deeply connected with the work of Thomas Keller and sought out his style of intentional cooking. His tailwind of popular chefs who came from his California (and now International style of cookery) was created on the premise of every kitchen working with “a sense of urgency”.

This sense of urgency became part of my existence. This is important for mastery of any skill. The sense of urgency can push us over our own thresholds and ignite the embodiment of the work. In some career paths this is known as becoming a leader in your field.

But the sense of urgency can be stressful. I understand this very well.

This is me cooking in my home. I need to dig up the old Culinary Arts Photos.

In a prior career, I was a travel agent before 9/11/2001. This was a fun era for me as I was able to travel around the world and explore the world while sharing it with others, also. My last role in this work was a Scuba Dive Specialist. This was by far one of the funnest jobs I’ve ever had! Every person I worked with was a bit of a character and had so many adventure stories to share. I felt a camaraderie in this group of travel agents.

The travel industry and restaurant industries aren’t entirely different. Both include guiding folks on an adventure.

Now, as a wellness coach, I teach folks how to find FLOW. This is similar to the those lessons taught when working with a “sense of urgency”.

Like a watching a sunset, the sense of urgency is natural

How could this be?

In the sense of urgency, we are pushed into the FLOW of the team. We become part of something outside of ourselves. In the case of food, we become the producers of (a component of) a dish, or the platers of the dish, or the washers of the dish. It can vary. As a team, we discover a FLOW together. And while the adrenaline and the cortisol may drive us to experience the extension and bending of time, we find that it can also be taxing on the body.

By extending time, I am sharing that it seems we can do so much within the frame of a small window of time. When we get into FLOW we experience this. If it is laden with a jacked-up course of hormones that are bringing us into fight or flight, or if it an experience of a more natural FLOW experience.

The natural FLOW experience, can be done on your own. This is when we are able to accomplish tasks in our own time without the pressure of a deadline, non-stop problem solving, or putting out fires. When we are in natural flow, we find that we a similar outcome of lush accomplishments that seems to bend time to allow for more to get done and time expands with our FLOW with a different bodily experience.

Connecting with a practice of meditation and being creative can foster a personal experience that undoes the continuation of stress that we experience in a modern life experiences.

FLOW of the natural type helps to foster a sense of grounding, despite the expansion. Tension is relieved as FLOW in our journey. Hormones are flowing in a healthy way with sex hormones being released and not suppressed by a fight-flight experience. We feel vital and connected with our sense of purpose. We feel sexy in our purpose because our reality is bending toward our meaning of life.

By bending time, we realize our potential. We lean into the experience that we channel from the universe. The universal knowledge of our body is expressed through our work whether it is a role that is paid or simply lived. We feel emotionally stable as we are able to naturally FLOW toward development of our personal directive with resources to learn what we need to for the next stage of our work and personal development.

Extending and bending time can be the rite of passage for self-actualization on a spiritual level. Bringing awareness to this can help you “go there” faster. For example, when we meditate, we begin to become present to the body in our space in time. As we apply our skills and work in a meditative way, we begin to engage with time in a way that time slows for us. We begin to work in a way that is deeply connected to the energetics of time. When we connect to this on a conscious level, we find this area of quantum physics as a part of our daily existence.

Why does this matter?

I have found this to be deeply meaningful as I can better see the conscious person or the lack of consciousness in others. I see this in my clients, family members, and folks out in the world. I also see the energy of the being connected with consciousness. We can go into and out of these states over time and we all wax and wane with the fabulousness of flow.

Like a drop of water, if you wait too long, you will miss it and it will become part of something else. The immediacy of connecting with flow can be sustained with a meditation practice or working with teams and collaborating.

What is the fastest way to FLOW?

The simple and quick way to get into FLOW is to become self-aware. This is a way for you to be deeply connected with your values and how you express them. Does this resonate with you?

Allow me to give you an example. When you are working on a creative endeavor — or even paid work, do you have a personal vision or a plan of where you are headed? Does this sometimes evolve into something even better and more creative than your vision or dream?

When we are self-aware, we allow flow to guide us, as we have an intuitive connection with the direction. We know what we don’t know. We understand the universality of what is evolving and the part we play.

With the same flow unfolding for someone who lacks self-awareness, the person may stick with the plan and force the plan to be part of the work. Forcing the work to tow the line is reflective of the disconnection with the universal intelligence that flow connects with.

Connected Consciousness

As an idea and action moves into flow, we are connecting with the greater consciousness. With aligned action, we can easily tap into flow without trying too hard. Through meditation, yoga, pilates, aligned nourishment, honoring your personal values, and connecting with nature you are able to easily tap into universal consciousness anytime you wish.

Finding flow can be simple when we ignite the subtle body.

Think of the elements of our body and the earth:

  • Fire Burns
  • Water Flows
  • Air Flows
  • Earth Grounds
  • Ether Expands

Water & Air are elemental to our flow. To get into flow quick, ensure you are hydrated and have practiced breathing techniques, in Sanskrit this is known as pranayama, प्राणायाम. Pranayama means vital life force practice or extension of vital life force.

With practice, you can connect to universal consciousness with ease. Without practice, tapping into flow isn’t possible without mood-altering drugs. Daily practice of: these lifestyle practices are the way to be connected with flow:

  • meditation
  • movement like yoga or pilates
  • nourishment of your body, home spaces, and mind
  • understanding your personal values and living in accord with these
  • earthing, cooking, walking outdoors: connecting with nature

As a sentient being, our sense can guide us into flow. The above activities helps to better understand and enhance you senses.

Do you get into flow easily?

Hi, my name is Angela Rosoff and I am a Wellness Coach supporting people with lessons in Ayurveda, yoga, and face yoga.

Do you have an experience of being in flow? I would love to hear from you and learn about your story. Did I miss something in the outline above?

If you would like to get to flow quickly, I offer an opportunity to work with me to help you get to greater consciousness fast with wellness coaching that supports your lifestyle with guidance and accountability. It’s so much fun to serve my community with dedicated support to elevated health. Click the button below to learn more about this program.


I am a mom, health and beauty advocate, and love serving women over 40 to help them with Ayurveda lifestyle practices like yoga and face yoga to help them beautify from the inside out!

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