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face yoga

Beautify from the Inside Out: Face Yoga and the Magic of Omega Complex Support for Radiant Skin

Hello gorgeous! Something that I have noticed from working with women over 40 is that as we age, achieving and maintaining radiant, youthful skin requires more than just topical solutions. For women over 40, especially those experiencing the effects of sun damage like crepey skin, a holistic approach that combines inner nourishment and targeted facial…

How to Enhance Your Health with Face Mapping & Face Yoga

I have been exploring face mapping since the birth of my second child. We lived in Seattle when we started our family and I shopped at the East West Shop in Ravenna. I loved this bookstore, as it was one of the only new age bookstores in the area. I had been there looking for…

The 3 Lessons to Tone & Elongate Your Neck

Many friends, family members, and people close to me ask me to spill the tea about secrets to tone the neck. I get it. I actually decided to invest in the face yoga certification to learn every tip about the neck & mouth. These two reasons were my driving force to take on a 9…