
Ok — updating this page with the recording of today for you! Please enjoy this opportunity to relax and ponder the thoughts about the Law of Relativity that was changed to the Theory of Relativity. I bring this into today’s lesson about action yielding an equal and opposite reaction, as well as a deep dive into the energetics of our face!

We practice face yoga at the end… I couldn’t be more delighted to share this light-hearted offering with you! Please let me know, what did I miss? What did I overlook?

As you watch this video, keep in mind that our faces are mass or matter. We can apply energy to reveal the matter at the speed of light. Inside, we explore the idea of energetic glow in our faces. Dive in and have fun!

If you are looking for more FREE lessons, please check out my socials where you can best find these:

@beautifyfaceyoga: Youtube

@beautifyfacyoga: Insta


Invitation to this class

This class is going to be a time to sit and explore your personal dreams for this year. Creating a new perspective of what is possible as the new year is presenting a theme and a tone in this month of January.

What is your perspective so far?

I ask because I see and sense a continued change in the air. There is a wave of shifts around the globe economically, politically, and how safe we feel in our bodies. I have been exploring a face yoga practice within the idea of perspective. Cultivating a perspective of continuity in values and ethos of universality is one part of this class. Inside, I will dive into a spiritual connection about the ninth (see below) of the twelve universal laws of life that created by Sir Isaac Newton. I have begun to examine these within a personal self-study of holistic practice intersecting with science.

AI-generated image of Sir Isaac Newton

I find that the universal law of relativity is currently presenting in our global political landscape. We will not go through all twelve, today we will focus on relativity.

The 12 Universal Laws

  1. Oneness: A perspective that everything in the universe is connected as a whole.
  2. Energy: All of our spaces, people, and things are energetic.
  3. Action: The step we need to take to manifest our heart’s desires.
  4. Correspondence: What we see on the outside is manifested from the inside.
  5. Cause & Effect: Everything happens for a reason.
  6. Compensation: What you put into the world, you’ll get back in abundance.
  7. Attraction: You attract everything to you through your energy.
  8. Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: Energy is always in motion, and you get to choose whether you want to go with the flow or not.
  9. Relativity: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
  10. Polarity: Everything has an opposite.
  11. Rhythm: Everything has unique rhythm that it beats to, and these different rhythms develop into patterns, cycles, etc., in life.
  12. Gender: There are a balance of masculine and feminine in the world.

Now, while we could go into each of these, I am choosing the universal law of relativity to invite a shift in perspective, so that is what we will deep dive into.

I will also share a sequence of face yoga poses focused on the eyes! This will enhance your perspective and offer continuation in your personal spiritual and beautification rituals, as I find these are deeply entwined together. It’s going to be so fun! Please find the link below and I will send you a reminder, as well!

Zoom Link Below ⬇️

Angela is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Universal Law of Relativity – Face Yoga Class
Time: Jan 28, 2025 4PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 992 402 7700
Passcode: 111955

Angela Rosoff holds certifications in yoga, face yoga, and Ayurveda Digestive Health. Holistic support for women is her focus. She is also a content creator for local and international media outlets and has been featured in the Sun.ukSun.us, and The New York Post. Angela teaches weekly yoga and face yoga classes, as well hosts online courses to help women and yoga teachers beautify from the inside out! As a Substack enthusiast and creator, Angela shares an affordable way to work 1:1 to bring more vitality into the world.

Explore more programs and lessons HERE.