when my son touches my arm and asks, “Mommy, have you meditated recently?” It feels like an angel reminding me what I need. The elixir of clearing the energy from my mind and body is a deep connection with the greater consciousness.
when my son touches my arm and asks, “Mommy, have you meditated recently?” It feels like an angel reminding me what I need. The elixir of clearing the energy from my mind and body is a deep connection with the greater consciousness.
Cool the skin of the face to tighten pores and gently exfoliate with the cooling fruit acids inside blueberries. Inside out we can beautify with the healing support of this magical fruit!
It has been a time in my life that marks a shift with new awareness. Change. You may be part of my tribe of middle age women, but if you haven’t made it to this point of middle age, I want to tell you that it is a wonderful time of adaptation. Adaptation inside. Career…