I have been exploring face mapping since the birth of my second child. We lived in Seattle when we started our family and I shopped at the East West Shop in Ravenna. I loved this bookstore, as it was one of the only new age bookstores in the area.
I had been there looking for a journal when I was coming close to nine months into my pregnancy. My daughter, Ava enjoyed looking at the children’s books and they had beautiful scented oils and incense which was enchanting to a 4 year old and a 39 year old.
When we were walking out of the store, I noticed a flyer for a book reading by the author, Jean Haner. She was releasing a book titled, The Wisdom of Your Child’s Face: Discover Your Child’s True Nature with Chinese Face Reading. I was immediately curious!

My daughter’s face still captivates me with love and adoration. Then and still, I knew every dimple on her growing face and her cautious smiles. My sweet daughter was my first. She turned me into a mother and I’ve always loved looking into her face and eyes. As she grew this curiosity inside me about learning more about our connections with the facial structure and better understanding them.
After seeing the sign at the book store, I really wanted this woman to do a a face reading for both of my kids. After Marlon was born a few weeks early, I saw his face and was captivated by the dimple on his chin! He slept well (mostly) from the beginning of his life and was different than my daughter. They were and are still their own people.
After being enchanted with my kids’ faces and remember the sign at the book store about face reading children and decided to take my newborn and daughter. In the end, my daughter didn’t want to come, so I took my son.
He was quiet during the book reading. Awake but quiet. When the author asked if anyone wanted to have their children’s faces read, I immediately raised my hand. I was intrigued with this idea of better understanding a person’s disposition from their face. I’ve always loved learning the ideas of the subtle body.
When I was young, my mother would read the astrological horoscopes, this felt like magic. I took a yoga class when I was young and felt like that was mysterious, too. Acupuncture, pilates, and the healing arts which stimulate the subtle body with different modalities are all intriguing to me.
I share this so you better understand my interest in reading about the Wisdom of Your Child’s Face. At the time, with two children in the home, I felt I needed an edge on being a mom.
With curiosity, I was drawn to bringing at least one child with me to learn more. I found the topic to be fascinating and soaked up the author, Jane Haner’s words. It was fun to learn about how she was introduced to a form of face reading that is primarily rooted in the Chinese culture: her mother-in-law taught her.
My mother-in-law has taught me so many wonderful things. I love her recipes for desserts and the way we need to embrace others’ talents and idiosyncrasies. Jane reflected the same adoration of her mother-in-law and I understand the reverence for the person who reared the person that you love. This aspect about Jane drew me into her presentation about the facial structure.

That night, I learned from her analysis of my son’s newborn face that he would attract attention. The dimple on his chin is, indeed, an attracter of great attention. I learned that many people who have this feature are leaders or are famous! I am posting some adorable faces with dimples below to help you envision the cuteness of my son’s dimples.

Did you know that dimples on any part of the face attracts this kind of attention? It sounds very practical, but when we think about daily attention because of a feature, it can shape the trajectory of our life. It shapes our self-esteem.
Now that my son is older, I understand the nature of his charm and find it interesting that it has been shaped by the matter of his being and the skin shapes of his face. I find this incredibly interesting!
To me it is so intriguing that I studied and got certified to teach face yoga! It is a skill that I enjoy for my own use, as well as sharing with others. Serving people in a way that helps them empower their confidence is a joy to me!
Acupressure & Marma Points
There are other less subjective ideas about the face and how the energy received and shared through the face connects with other parts of our body. I am sharing a face map of acupuncture points below and I love this image to help my clients understand a little bit more about what is going on in my body through the appearance of my face. Check it out:

How to Boost Immunity & Have a Healthy Facial Appearance
I find winter to be a time when I return to this wisdom. The winter can be the time when my immunity is more challenged than in any other seasons. My color is paler, so I notice discolorations and see how my eyes and skin share a general struggle to find balance with temperature, dry air, and lack of moisture. Do you notice things like this in the winter?
To boost immunity and improve overall function of organ health, apply these principles below to invigorate your body’s vitality during the winter months:
- Nourish the body with warm fresh foods and hydrating teas and water
- Take time to restore the body with gentle and restorative yoga
- Connect with meditation, which is proven to improve brain health, which calms your nervous system.
- Get more rest
- Limit blue light use during the evenings, especially before bed
- Keep your home spaces tidy and vacuum regularly and open the windows from time to time (if possible) to ensure good air quality in your home.

With these activities, you will begin to notice a radiance in your face no matter the season! This time of year can be difficult for the skin to allow for shifts in temperatures with ease. Improving the gentle nature of the body with regular practice and lifestyle strategies can help the organ function and improve the appearance of the face. Seriously!
Face Yoga
You can also enjoy face yoga to improve the brilliance of your personal energy and how you present yourself in the world. Allow others to see with non-verbal communication your feelings of kindness, intelligence, and inclusivity with the self-awareness that face yoga brings.

I would love to share the brilliance of Face Yoga with you in a way that you can learn easily! I teach LIVE face yoga and pranayama breathing online virtually. You can explore this offering by scrolling down to my schedule AT THIS LINK.
Please find information below about my Beautify Face Yoga in Six Weeks that will be launching on Valentine’s Day. This is the fourth version of this program and I love refining it every time I bring it to the public! There is a weekly coaching opportunity to allow you the benefit of instruction for your unique face! In this course, you will learn more about reading yours and others’ faces in this program with a deep dive into the vedic wisdom of the marma points of the face, neck, and décolleté. If this interests you, you will love this!
Check out the link below to learn more and pre-register for this Valentine’s Day cycle of this program: