
How To Prepare Skin For The Fall And Feel Amazing!

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As the end of summer presents new crispy leaves falling from trees, you may begin to notice signs of dry or flaky skin on your face and hands. This is a natural signal to start preparing for the cooler and sometimes unpredictable weather conditions to support your skin’s transition into the autumnal season. Find tips below to ensure your skin adapts well and stays healthy and hydrated during the coming fall months. 


Stay hydrated! Take care to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sipping water, herbal teas, or flavored water creates a baseline of hydration to keep the tissues plump and moist on the inside.

Additions of foods rich in healthy fats like olive oil, crushed chia & flax seeds. Autumn foods like pumpkin, dark leafy greens, almonds, sunflower seeds are all rich in vitamin E and bring in healthy vital fats to nourish the skin well systemically. Vitamin C foods like citrus fruits; however autumnal foods are also rich in vitamin C. Things like kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, and even white potatoes are loaded with vitamin C that is beneficial for nurturing the skin from the inside out. 

Skin Care

  • Emolliant moisture: Invest in a more rich moisturizer to protect your skin and hydrate on the outside. Look for products that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, ceramides, and shea butter. 
  • Gentle exfoliation: This can be a great time to revisit exfoliation, which allows your moisturizer and serums to penetrate more effectively. Be cautious not to over-do it with harsh scrubs. Opt for a gentle exfoliant and then reduce the frequency in autumn leading up to winter.
  • Go with a pro: If you run into skin problems, or want to refine your home skin care practice, a professional can be a great way to learn what is the right way to care for your unique skin throughout the seasons.. Both an aesthetician or dermatologist can be so helpful in a single appointment to share ideas that you can do to prevent or restore skin problems at home in your own time. 
  • Sunscreen: Autumn continues to bring  the need for sunscreen. UV rays are still present even on cloudy and cooler days. Choose a moisturizer or sunscreen with at least SFP30 and apply it to exposed skin, especially if you run, bike, hike, or other outdoor activities in Autumn. Learn more here. 

Face Yoga 

As the cooler weather can take a toll on the skin of the face & neck, adding face yoga can bring radiance and tone to the skin, which fosters nurturance from the inside and out! Give these face yoga poses a try to build resilience in your skin tone and breeze through this season glowing with good blood flow! For each of these poses, ensure you roll the shoulders back and that your chin is in alignment with the floor. 

Enhance Lips, video example

This pose moisturizes from the inside out and brings blood flow to the lips to minimize lip peeling and dryness.

  • Create a Big “O” With your mouth and press the corners of your mouth together. Pulse the cupid’s bow. 
  • Relax the jaw and hold the pose for a count of 5. Do 3 sets.

Wide Eyes, video example

This pose moisturizes from the inside out and brings blood flow to the eyelids & eye to minimize dry eyes.

  • Open both eyes wide. Look around in a clock-wise & counter-clock-wise motion. Hold this pose for a count 5. 
  • Close the eyes. Do 3 sets. 

The Yummy Face, video example

This pose facilitates moisture development in the tongue, fostering good digestion and flow.

  • Place index & middle fingers together at the sides of the mouth. Uplifting the corners of the mouth as you smile (leave lower teeth covered with bottom lip).
  • Stick out tongue, as if you are licking something yummy from your lips. Move tongue from one side to the other. Repeat 3 times in each direction. 
  • Combine this with the poses above and offer tension relief to every muscle in the face!

Check out this eye and lip sequence to try these poses!

Beauty tips for autumn.

Autumn is the time to bolster hydration to counter the cooler air. This change may strip your skin of natural moisture. To find equilibrium throughout the days can be a challenge. With climate change considerations, some climates have hot days and then the weather switches quickly to be windy and cool. This taxes the body so additional skin support like these can be helpful:

  • Oiling the body: With a daily ritual of oiling the body with nurturing oils like jojoba, almond, sesame, and arnica, we protect the skin’s surface from the autumn winds, and climate changes.
  • Lip Care: The lips are one feature with very thin skin. Nurture your  lips with a good quality lip balm to moisturize and prevent chapping! Learn more here.

Remember that everyone’s skin is different! It is essential to pay attention to the unique language of your skin’s response to the seasonal change.  Take care in trying new products and make adjustments that your skin needs. If your skin is raw and irritated, choosing a scent-free product may be a good decision. Adjust your routine as needed to maintain the health and radiance of your skin throughout the winter season.

Angela Rosoff is a Certified Face Yoga Method Teacher & Ayurveda Digestive Health Counselor. She works with clients to refine their health & beauty lifestyle with natural solutions at the cornerstone of her work. In her spare time, she makes her own body butters and shares with friends and clients. You can learn more about her work here:

@beautifyfaceyoga Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, & Threads


I am a mom, health and beauty advocate, and love serving women over 40 to help them with Ayurveda lifestyle practices like yoga and face yoga to help them beautify from the inside out!

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