Beautify Lifestyle Series 1: Time Management

Lifestyle Series

As we march into the next season, the next phase of life, and the next meeting, having a mindset that includes this thought, “I have enough time,” may become a mantra once you begin including it and seeing how you re-work your thoughts…

How to Enhance Your Health with Face Mapping & Face Yoga

I have been exploring face mapping since the birth of my second child. We lived in Seattle when we started our family and I shopped at the East West Shop in Ravenna. I loved this bookstore, as it was one of the only new age bookstores in the area. I had been there looking for…

How to Extend and Bend Time

I decided to write this blog post because it happens time and time again for me. In actuality, I have been able to tap into flow many times in my life. I feel kind of lucky this way and feel that after teaching yoga for the past few years, I am qualified to explain time…

Holistic Ways to Take Care of the Hands

Hands communicate. We express ourselves visually with our hands. Sometimes the hands become a translator of sorts as we express ourselves with made up sign language to help us as we travel and connect to those whose language we may be ignorant about. When we use our hands so much, the winter can sometimes reveal…

How to Beat the Winter Blues Recipe: Renewing Nurturing Tea

Renewing in the new year can offer deep support to the body long term. However, after age 35, we find that people begin to show signs of aging. This shows up primarily in the area of inflammation. As we experience wear and tear on the body, after the age of 35, we find that signs…

The 3 Lessons to Tone & Elongate Your Neck

Many friends, family members, and people close to me ask me to spill the tea about secrets to tone the neck. I get it. I actually decided to invest in the face yoga certification to learn every tip about the neck & mouth. These two reasons were my driving force to take on a 9…

Build Unshakable Connection to Your Confidence.

Over the past few years, I have developed a ritual around the holidays that has become one that I just cherish. I come back to it again and again. This year is no different. Because of this ritual of turning inward to prepare for the holidays, I have found a new season of Angela. I…

Love On Tour – My Experience

When we parked in the Kia Forum parking lot, I was struck by the beauty of this space. The fun part about LA are the spaces, the landscapes, and what in some cities is difficult to come by: SPACE. Los Angeles bears my name and I’ve always wanted to travel there. I haven’t been there…