Meditation For Peace: 3 Part Series

Together, we visualize peace, contentment, and non-violence with the precepts of yoga. Inside this simple 3-Part Series, we connect together virtually to elevate the vibration of ourselves and ripple this action of meditation into the world around us and into the universe.

Beautify Lifestyle Series 1: Time Management

Lifestyle Series

As we march into the next season, the next phase of life, and the next meeting, having a mindset that includes this thought, “I have enough time,” may become a mantra once you begin including it and seeing how you re-work your thoughts…

How to Extend and Bend Time

I decided to write this blog post because it happens time and time again for me. In actuality, I have been able to tap into flow many times in my life. I feel kind of lucky this way and feel that after teaching yoga for the past few years, I am qualified to explain time…

Podcast Episode 23: Beautify Our World

In this podcast, you will find an observation that I have become deeply aware of over the past summer. In watching my children grown, I found my being, making, and doing to support their world includes my feeble attempt to adapt to climate change. I notice in their creative immersion at this moment that they…